Byambasuren Davaa
Byambasuren Davaa 2014 Baruth

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The Two Horses Of Genghis Khan: Byambasuren Davaa
The Two Horses Of Genghis Khan

Byambasuren Davaa

Даваагийн Бямбасүрэн

Text: English, Mongolian and German

Byambasuren Davaa, also known as Davaagiin Byambasüren (born 1971 in Ulaanbaatar), is a Mongolian film maker currently residing in Germany.

Between 1995 and 1998 she studied at the Movie Academy in Ulaanbaatar. In 1998 she began to work as a moderator and director's assistant with Mongolian National Television. In 2000 she moved to Munich, Germany, to study documentary film and communication sciences at the University of Television and Film Munich.

In 2003 Davaa wrote and directed The Story of the Weeping Camel (2003), which gained several awards and nominations, including Best Documentary Film at the Bavarian Film Awards, Best Documentary at the 57th Directors Guild of America Awards, and a nomination for Best Documentary at the 77th Academy Awards. Her other films include The Cave of the Yellow Dog (2006), for which she won the 2006 German Film Award for Best Children's Film, and Veins of the World (2020).

Her films through 2006 tell stories embedded in the traditional life of the nomads in Mongolia. The subjects of her movies also serve as amateur actors, playing mostly themselves, which positions her work somewhere between documentary and fiction.

Davaa was born in Mongolia in 1971. She studied international law in Mongolia's capital Ulaanbaatar and then moved to Germany to study documentary film direction. Regarding the reason of her move to Germany, Davaa has stated: "I wanted to learn how to tell stories. Stories that move people of different cultures that are meaningful and universal. For me, the step out of Mongolia, out of my nomadic-family based culture, was also the yearning to learn to understand and relate to the larger context in the world."

She studied documentary filming at the University of Television and Film in Munich, Germany. Before moving to Munich, she worked as a television presenter and assistant director for a Mongolian television channel.

In 2003 she wrote and directed The Story of the Weeping Camel, which won several awards, including the Bavarian Film Awards for Best Documentary, the Directors Guild of America Award for Best Documentary and the San Francisco International Film Festival International Film Critics Award. The film was also nominated for Best Documentary at the 77th Academy Awards. The movie was extremely well received and sold in more than 60 territories, grossing over 9 million dollars. The Story of the Weeping Camel was cited by Rotten Tomatoes as one of the 165 best films directed by women in the 21st century.

In 2005 she wrote and directed The Cave of the Yellow Dog, for which she was also acclaimed. It was Davaa's second feature. The film focuses on a family of nomads living in the Altai, northwestern Mongolia, and the impact a stray dog has on them. The "actors" in the film are a real family of nomads, and the movie has been described as a "quasi-documentary." As other movies by Davaa, it depicts everyday moments for the nomadic Mongolians, using real nomadic Mongolians as actors, and thus in the movie there is "a crunch of authenticity when Mother cuts a block of cheese, milks the goat or sits at her sewing machine to make a school outfit for Nansal; when the father skins a pair of sheep, hoists the skins onto his motorcycle and drives off to sell them in the nearest town." The Cave of the Yellow Dog won the Best Children's Film Award at the 2006 German Film Award.

In 2020 she wrote and directed the drama thriller film Veins of the World, which had its world premiere at the 70th Berlin International Film Festival on February 23, 2020. The movie tells about a 11-year-old Mongolian boy living the traditional life as nomad with his family in the Mongolian steppe, whose peaceful life is "threatened by the encroachment of international mining companies, digging for gold and devastating the natural habitat." The boy's father opposes the encroachers, and after his death the boy carries on the fight. The movie was picked by Mongolia as its official entry for the 93rd Academy Awards in the category Best International Feature Film. After directing documentaries The Story of the Weeping Camel, The Cave of the Yellow Dog and Two Horses of Genghis Khan, Veins of the World was Dava's feature film debut.

Das Lied von den zwei Pferden - Trailer
YouTube link:

Даваагийн Бямбасүрэн нь 1971 онд Улаанбаатар хотод төрсөн, Монголын кино найруулагч бөгөөд Герман улсад амьдран уран бүтээлээ туурвидаг.

Тэрээр 1995 - 1998 онд Кино Урлагийн Дээд Сургуульд суралцаад, 1998 оноос Монголын Үндэсний Телевиз (одоогийн Монголын Үндэсний Олон Нийтийн Телевиз)-д туслах найруулагчаар ажиллаж байв. Бямбасүрэн 2000 онд Герман улсын Мюнхен хот дахь Мюнхений Телевиз, Кино Урлагийн Их Сургуульд баримтат кино, харилцааны шинжлэх ухааны чиглэлээр суралцахаар явсан байна.

Бямбасүрэнгийн найруулсан, Монголын нүүдэлчдийн амьдралыг харуулсан кинонууд дэлхий даяар шуугиан тарьсан бөгөөд кинонуудад нь жирийн хүмүүс тоглодог байна.

Тэрээр 2005 оны Оскарын шагналд Ингэн нулимс киногоороо нэр дэвшиж байв.


1999: Хул морь (видео)

2003: Ингэн нулимс
2005: Шар нохойн там
2009: Эзэн Богдын хоёр загал

2003: Баварийн Кино Шагнал. Шилдэг баримтат кино Ингэн нулимс
2005: Германы Киноны Зар Сурталчилгааны Шагнал. Шар нохойн там
2006: Германы Кино Шагнал. Шилдэг хүүхдийн кино Шар нохойн там


Byambasuren Davaa, eigentlich Dawaagiin Bjambasüren (*1971 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolei) ist eine mongolische Dokumentarfilmerin und Filmregisseurin.

Ihre Karriere begann Byambasuren 1989 – parallel zu einem Jurastudium – als Moderatorin und Regieassistentin beim staatlichen Fernsehen der Mongolei. 1995 bis 1998 absolvierte sie ein Studium an der Hochschule für Filmkunst in Ulaanbaatar. 2000 ging sie für das Studium des Dokumentarfilms und der Fernsehpublizistik an die Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film München. Dort drehte sie zum Vordiplom gemeinsam mit Luigi Falorni ihren zweiten Film: Die Geschichte vom weinenden Kamel. Diese Dokumentation wurde weltweit ein großer Erfolg und für den Oscar 2005 in der Kategorie Bester Dokumentarfilm nominiert. Ihren Abschlussfilm an der HFF drehte Davaa 2005: Die Höhle des gelben Hundes. Im Juni 2008 begannen die Dreharbeiten für Davaas neuen Kinodokumentarfilm Das Lied von den zwei Pferden mit der mongolischen Sängerin Urna, der im August 2009 auf der Piazza Grande in Locarno seine Weltpremiere feierte. Das Lied von den zwei Pferden startete am 3. Juni 2010 in den bundesdeutschen Kinos und wurde auf mehr als 30 internationalen Filmfestivals aufgeführt. Neben Kinostarts in Holland, Frankreich, Spanien, Schweiz, startet der Film 2012 erstmals auch in den Kinos der Mongolei.

Byambasuren Davaa ist Mitglied der Deutschen Filmakademie.

Interview mit Byambasuren Davaa:


  • Die Weltpremiere von " Adern der Welt" wird auf der 70. Berinale uraufgeführt. BasisBerlin GmbH.
  • Spielfilm "Die Adern der Welt"-Fertig gestellt. BasisBerlin GmbH.
  • Spielfilm "Die Adern der Welt"-(AT) geht in die Produktion. Dreh: September, Oktober, Mongolei. BASIS Berlin GmbH. 
  • "Secrets of Asia" EIKON Südwest GmbH
  • "MEINE MONGOLEI" - Multivision
  • Kinderfilm Drehbuch "Boroo und der Wolf" RAZOR Films, gefördert durch die Initiative "Der besondere Kinderfilm"
  • Drehbuch "Adern der Welt", BASIS Berlin Filmproduktion
  • "Das Lied von den zwei Pferden", Kinofilm
  • "Still the line", Tanzdokumentation, New York, Regie L.Lewett Executive Producer
  • "Die Höhle des gelben Hundes", Kinofilm 
  • Buch zum Film "Die Höhle des gelben Hundes" PIPER Malik Verlag
  • "Portrait des DOP. Stefan von Borbely", HFF-München
  • "Die Geschichte vom weinenden Kamel", Kinofilm
  • "Der Buddha weist den Weg", ZDF/ 3SAT
  • "Wunsch", HFF-München
  • "Das orange Pferd", HFF-München
  • "Eine Welt-Zwei Wirtschaften" Doku für Bürgerbildung nach der Wende. Im Auftrag von UNDP, Mongolei

Byambasuren Davaa

10. August 2014 Das Museum Baruther Glashütte

"HUN = Menschen" solo-exhibition OTGO Otgonbayar Ershuu
July 19, 2014 - August 31, 2014 Museum Baruther Glashütte

Byambasuren Davaa
Baruth, Germany 2014 photo by OTGO

1000 Portraits
19 March 2022, Berlin

Mongolian Art