ZURAG Gallery in Berlin
ZURAG Gallery otgo-art_facebook

ZURAG Gallery, founded in 2010 by Otgonbayar Ershuu is located in the middle of Berlin, one of the world’s most vibrant art capitals. It is the first gallery founded and operated by a Mongol outside of Mongolia.

ZURAG Gallery’s location spreads over two floors, each with 15 x 7 meters large rooms, marble floors, natural stone walls and a courtyard. It was founded by Berlin-based artist Otgonbayar Ershuu. Having completed his education in both Mongolia and Germany, Ershuu has been working as a freelance artist since 1998 and has exhibited both nationally and internationally.
Ershuu’s main focus in the upcoming exhibitions at ZURAG gallery is the interaction of different generations of artists through the spatial combination of very different projects.

ZURAG Gallery’s solo and group exhibitions bring Otgonbayar Ershuu's own work into dialogue with both emerging and established artists of Mongolian and international origin. The exhibitions include a wide range of artistic media: painting, drawing, sculpture, calligraphy, photography, printmaking, music, literature, video and installation, and performance.

ZURAG Gallery strives to work closely with other galleries, cultural institutions and curators.

ZURAG Gallery’s mandate is to present a multi-facetted picture of Mongolian culture through artistic projects. This is done to bring in wider attention to the subject and deliberately influence the international perception of Mongolia and its art. Much information on the subject of Mongolian art and culture has yet to be discovered by a wider audience.

ZURAG Gallery will facilitate events in addition to its exhibitions, such as: artistic workshops, video and film screenings, artist talks, lectures, readings, music, dance, courses, yoga, meditation and concerts.

ZURAG Gallery is open to interesting ideas and proposals. Artists who want to realize an exhibition with us can apply via email to email 
gallery@zurag.de. (Applications should include a concrete project proposal, a current artist’s CV and work documentation)

ZURAG Gallery’s space will at times also be available to host external events. More information can be requested via email at email 

ZURAG is a Mongolian word. It can mean image, painting, drawing, photography and illustration.


ZURAG film original in German 2010 Berlin

ZURAG film in the Mongolian national television, 2011 Ulan Bator

Website: www.zurag.de


Mongolian Art

ZURAG Film von Tobias Wulff

Laut, wild und schnell galoppieren die Pferde über die Ebenen mongolischer Landschaften…laufen auseinander wieder zusammen… tanzen in atemberaubender Geschwindigkeit über die Leinwand…einzelne Elemente schmelzen, lösen sich auf in einem Meer aus Farben. Bunte Wellen definieren sich zu klaren Formen. Hunderte, tausende von Pferden preschen feurig aus ihnen hervor und tragen einen immer weiter bis zu jenem Punkt, wo der Himmel die Erde berührt.

Bereits als kleiner Junge beginnt 'Otgo' (Otgonbayar Ershuu) zu malen. Sein häufigstes Motiv sind Pferde. Kleine Kinder lernen in der Mongolei reiten, bevor sie laufen können. So entsteht eine natürliche Vertrautheit zu diesen Tieren, welche in Otgos Gemälden zu sehen und zu spüren ist. Otgo hat sich auf Miniaturarbeit spezialisiert. Mittlerweile zählen Otgos Bilder zusammengerechnet weit über 500.000 Pferde.

Otgonbayar Ershuu ist „Ein Mongole mit tausenden von Pferden“, die in bunten Herden, dröhnend, über seine Leinwände galoppieren und uns in ein facettenreiches Miniaturuniversum tragen.

Minimundus erklärt uns die Welt, Otgonbayar wird uns die Mongolei, das Land der Pferde, erklären.

Wer sonst sollte es tun, wer sonst malte eine halbe Millionen Pferde?

Regie: Tobias Wulff
Laufzeit: 17 Minuten

Am Samstag den 4. Dezember 2010 ab 17 Uhr.

ZURAG Galerie
Böckhstrasse 26
10967 Berlin
(U-Bahn 8 Schönleinstrasse)
Tel.: 0049 (0) 176-6593 1999