Unen Enkh
Unen Enkh

La Biennale di Venezia 2015

Unen Enkh | o.T. | 2008 | Filz · Rosshaar · Schnur | 185 x 40 x 40 cm
o.T. | 2008 | Filz · Rosshaar · Schnur | 185 x 40 x 40 cm

Unen Enkh | Tengerin büree | 2000 | Filz · Draht | 210 x 76 x 55 cm | Sammlung Museum Biedermann
Tengerin büree | 2000 | Filz · Draht | 210 x 76 x 55 cm | Sammlung Museum Biedermann

Unen Enkh | Emeel
Emeel by Unen Enkh 2003

Хаянхярваагийн Үнэн-Энх

Unen Enkh was born and raised in Mongolia. As the artist recollects, the foundation of his thinking through art was established in his early childhood. Both his parents had a critical impact in his development as they nurtured his taste for imaginative ideas and encouraged courageous free thinking, unusual during socialism. Showing a serious interest in art and drawing, in 1974 he went to the only public, state-run Institute of Fine Art. Unen Enkh studied graphic art. As part of an exchange between socialist countries, in 1981 Unen Enkh went to Eastern Europe to attend art colleges, first in Prague and then in Budapest, where he graduated with two degrees, a bachelor’s and master’s in art. His success in graphic art was quite obvious as several works received awards in 1985 and 1987 at the Graphic Biennale in Miskolc, Hungary. Although he continued to work in graphic art, his interest in other media and experimentation began in Budapest in the mid 1980s. Now he is based in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

Official Website: www.enkh.de

PHOTOGRAPHY: Unen Enkh, Bernd Schumacher and Wolfgang Wick

Biennale di Venezia, 2015. Mongolia Pavilion, Palazzo Mora, Venezia, Italy Photo by Wolfgang Wick.
Unen Enkh | Biennale di Venezia, 2015. Mongolia Pavilion, Palazzo Mora, Venezia, Italy
Photo by Wolfgang Wick

Unen Enkh’s work concept  |  In terms of his selection of essentially archaic materials (Mongolian felt with different degrees of hardness resulting from the addition of synthetic resin, heavy-duty iron wire, occasionally with horsehair and hemp cords) Unen Enkh is a sculptor in the classic sense. Creating incredible diversity, however, he acts in the realm of avant-garde art.

Museum und Galerie im Prediger, 2015. Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany. Photo by Unen Enkh.
Unen Enkh | Museum und Galerie im Prediger, 2015. Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany
Photo by Unen Enkh

Classic Sculpture, Object Art, Installation?
Unen Enkh’s work concept  |  by Franz Armin Morat

Among all human artistic modes of expression, sculpture is by far the oldest. As recently as May this year, what is probably the oldest artwork made by human hand, namely a 40,000 year old ivory representation of the female body, was discovered west of Ulm in the eastern part of the Swabian Alb hills. Portrayals of animals of a similar age were found in the same area a few years ago. What is astonishing, however, is not the age but rather the fact that during almost the entire period, sculptures were restricted to representations of animals and people only. It was not until the early 20th century that the sculptors expanded their repertoire of motifs at a virtually explosive rate.

In terms of his selection of virtually archaic materials (Mongolian felt with different degrees of hardness resulting from the addition of synthetic resin, heavy iron wire, occasionally with horsehair and hemp cords) Unen Enkh is a sculptor in the classic sense. And he is most certainly an avant-garde artist in the way he brings humor and irony to bear when, for example, he makes use of close meshed steel wire to deny access to a building that resembles a yurt; or when he seems to suspend the law of gravity by making the attachment of a wire sculpture »invisible«. the effect of his three-dimensional »drawings in space« made of iron wire is as astounding as it is impressive — the result is an alternation between genres. Neither does the long obsolete differentiation of the abstract from the representational help us classify Unen Enkh’s work. For he creates both representational and abstract sculptures and, most importantly, every »intermediate form«.

What about the question of installation art?

Positioning a large sculpture in a space is inevitably already an installation per se. In a narrower sense of the term however, I do not consider its use in reference to Unen Enkh’s sculptures appropriate, because their form itself is not affected when presented in a different way in different spaces. Not least Unen Enkh’s own photographs of his exhibition, abundantly documented in this catalog, show just how blurred the boundaries are.

In conclusion, suffice it to say that all of Unen Enkh’s sculptures are individual pieces of work in the classic sense of the term, which does not at all impair his enormous imaginative diversity. In this respect, as a traditional sculptor Unen Enkh acts in the realm of avant-garde art by creating incredible diversity.

Link: www.enkh.de/tablet/works.html

Holon Unen Enkh 2015 Video by Bernd Schumacher:
Link: https://vimeo.com/144123720

Holon Unen Enkh 2015 from Bernd Schumacher on Vimeo.

Алдарт “Венецийн Биэналэ”-д анх удаа Монголын урлаг

La Biennale di Venezia - энэ бол дэлхийн зураач урчуудын хувьд мөрөөдөл нь болсон наадам билээ. Англиар заримдаа Venice Biennial хэмээн орчуулан хэрэглэдэг ч дэлхийн ихэнх улс түмэн итали дуудлагаар нь “Ла Биеналэ ди Венециа” хэмээнэ...
Ц.Уранчимэг: Хоёр уран бүтээлч маань Венециа Биеналд зориулж цоо шинэ уран бүтээл хийсэн байгаа. Манай павильон Европын Соёлын Төв бүхий Палаццо Мора гэдэг байранд гарна. Гурван өрөө байгаа. их өвөрмөц хоёр уран бүтээлч байгаа. Үнэн-Энх гэхэд манай ДУДС-т сурч байгаад наяад оны үед Унгарыn Будапештийн Урлагийн их сургуульд бакалавр, магистраа хийгээд, тэндээсээ Герман руу гарчихсан, өөрөөр хэлбэл манай урлагийнхнаас анх удаа тэр социализмын боогдмол үеэс гадагшаа гарсан уран бүтээлч. Дандаа эсгий, адууны хялгас зэрэг нүүдэлчдийн эд материалаар баримлaa хийдэг...

“Урлагийн Олимп” гэгддэг Венецийн Биенналь нь (La Biennale di Venezia) бүхэл бүтэн нэг зууны турш дэлхийн хамгийн нэр хүндтэй урлаг, соёлын арга хэмжээ байсаар ирсэн.
Уран бүтээлч Х.Үнэн-Энхийн бүтээл. Тэрээр бүтээлээ адууны дэл, сүүл болон эсгийгээр урлан хийдэг байна...

Эргэн төрөлт, тэнцвэр, нүүдэл
Түүний бүтээлдээ өргөн ашигладаг эсгий, морины сүүлний үнэр, гарт баригдаж, нүдэнд харагдах байдал нь төрсөн гэрийг нь бүрнээ бэлгэддэг. Даяаршсан энэ ертөнцөд бид хүссэн газраа амьдарч, суурьших, тэндээсээ нүүх боломжтой болсон. Тэгэхээр энэ тохиолдолд хүний жинхэнэ гэр орон, зүрх сэтгэл нь харьяалагдаж буй газар хаана байдаг тухай асуудал урган гарч ирнэ. Тэр дундаа Хүйтэн дайны дараах Монгол улсын хүрээнд Х.Үнэн-Энх ганцаараа биш. Түрүүн дурдсанчлан эсгий сэлт нь түүний төрсөн гэрийг илэрхийлдэг бол бүтээлийн нь салшгүй хэсгийн нэг төмөр утас зэрэг материал нь одоогийн нь гэр Герман улсыг төлөөлнө. Хэдийгээр түүний бүтээлдээ ашиглаж буй материалууд хоёр өөр соёл, үндсийг ийн бэлгэдэж буй ч бүтээл нь нэг цул агуулгатай, бүхэллэг шинжтэй байдгаараа эсрэгцсэн хоёр соёлын тэнцвэрийг хадгалдаг нь хамгийн чухал юм” хэмээн павильоны куратор Ц.Уранчимэг тайлбарлаж байна...

Unen Enkh im Galeriehaus Nord Interview
6. Oktober 2016 by Kunstnürnberg Redaktion in Interviews‚ Zeitgenössische Kunst

Unen Enkh zeigt seine raumbezogenen Objekte im Galeriehaus Nord in Nürnberg.
Die Ausstellung Skulpturen und Objekte läuft vom 29. September bis 6. November 2016.
Unen Enkh, gebürtig 1958 in der Mongolei, studierte von 1981 bis 1988 an der Hochschule für Angewandte und Bildende Kunst in Prag und an der Hochschule für Bildende Kunst in Budapest, wo er auch das Meisterjahr der Kunstgrafik absolvierte. Seit 1988 lebt und arbeitet Unen Enkh in Freiburg im Breisgau.

Unen Enkh war 2015 zur Biennale in Venedig eingeladen und stellte im Mongolischen Pavillion aus...

Official Website:

1000 Portraits
  18 February 2022, Berlin

Mongolian Art