Adiyabazaryn Chadraabal
Chadraabal Adiyabazar

Mongolian art painting
"Red dust" Oil on canvas, 2009, 150 x 250 cm
Chadra Art
"Horse composition" Oil on canvas, 2008, 100 x 110 cm
Chadra Art
"The road of new snow" Oil on canvas, 2008, 150 x 250 cm
Chadra Art
"Grey rain" Oil on canvas, 2006, 50 x 70 cm
Mongolian art painting
"No freedom" Oil on canvas, 2009, 150  x 200 cm
Chadra Art
"The Moon road" Oil on canvas, 2008, 150 x 200 cm
Chadra Art
"The Sea Road" Oil on canvas, 2008, 150 x 250 cm
Mongolian art painting
"You are mine" Oil on canvas, 2007, 65 x 75 cm
Mongolian art painting
"Horses composition - 899" Oil on canvas, 2006, 30 x 50 cm
Chadra Art
"The Sun Road" Oil on canvas, 2008, 150 x 200 cm
Chadra Art
"Under snow of the sun" Oil on canvas, 2008, 150 x 250 cm
Mongolian art painting
"Suny rain" Oil on canvas, 2008, 150 x 200 cm
Mongolian art painting
"The spike of wolf" Oil on canvas, 2007, 60 x 80 cm
Mongolian art painting
"White rain" Oil on canvas, 2006, 40 x 60 cm
Mongolian art painting
"Suny day" Oil on canvas, 2007, 100 x 110 cm
Mongolian art painting
"Horse composition - 45" Oil on canvas, 2006, 50 x 60 cm
Mongolian art painting
"Red theatre" Oil on canvas, 2006, 100 x 110 cm
Mongolian art painting
"Horse composition-341" Oil on canvas, 2008, 150 x 200 cm
Mongolian art painting
"Horse composition" Oil on canvas, 2009, 70 x 150 cm
Mongolische Kunst -Malerei
"Horse composition - 900" Oil on canvas, 2007, 50 x 50 cm
Mongolische Kunst -Malerei
"Horse composition - 340" Oil on canvas, 2008, 150 x 200 cm
Mongolian art painting
"Narnii uner" Acrylic on canvas, 2007, 70 x 100 cm
Mongolian art painting
"Sky dream" Oil on canvas, 2009, 150 x 200 cm

Mongolische Kunst -Malerei
"Red sun" Acrylic on canvas, 2007, 70 x 150 cm
Mongolische Kunst -Malerei
"Nemeh hasah" Oil on canvas, 2009, 70 x 150 cm
Mongolian art painting
"Pony of the autumn" Oil on canvas, 2007, 70 x 150 cm
Mongolian art painting
"Ih zamiin ehend" Oil on canvas, 2009, 150  x 400 cm
Mongolian art painting
"Sarnii suuder" Oil on canvas, 2006, 80 x 100 cm
Mongolische Kunst -Malerei
"The Sun road" Oil on canvas, 2008, 150 x 200 cm
Mongolian art painting
"Horse composition - 78" Oil on canvas, 2006, 50 x 50 cm
Mongolian art painting
"Hot land" Oil on canvas, 2008, 70 x 85 cm
Mongolische Kunst -Malerei
"You are mine" Oil on canvas, 2007, 100 x 110 cm
Mongolian art painting
"The chain of valley" Oil on canvas, 2008, 150 x 250 cm
Mongolian art painting
"Er hoyor zagal" Oil on canvas, 2009
Mongolian art painting
"Shuuder" Acrylic on canvas, 2007, 70 x 100 cm
Mongolische Kunst -Malerei
"Horse composition" Oil on canvas, 2009, 70 x 150 cm


Chadraabal Adiyabazar (mong. Адъяабазарын Чадраабал)

Text in English 
Sein sicherer Pinselstrich und die wilden, dynamischen Bewegungen seiner Motive sind auf den ersten Eindruck abstrakt und trotzdem lebendig. Aus den Darstellungen sprechen sogar starke sexuelle Potenz und emotionaler wilder Mut der gemalten Tiere. Die gut entwickelte Muskulatur seiner Pferde erzeugt ausdruckskräftige Charaktere und aktionsgeladene Spannung. Die Pferde symbolisieren ein gesundes, vitales Leben voller Kraft und Mut. Die Umsetzung von harten, kräftig platzierten Tierfiguren wird mit einer klaren und sauberen Farbgebung kombiniert. Es ist kein Wunder, dass ausgerechnet ein Mongole ein so starkes Empfinden  für Pferde hat, weil sich ein Mongole ein Leben ohne Pferde  überhaupt nicht vorstellen kann.
Ein Besuch auf seine Webseite lohnt sich! 

Chadraabal wurde 1979 in Zuun mod sum, Töv aimag der Mongolei geboren. Sein Vater Adyabazar ist ein bekannter Künstler in der Mongolei.

1997-2001 Studium an der Fakultät für Bildende Künste der Staatlichen Pädagogischen Universität der Mongolei in Ulaanbaatar.
2003 Master für Bildende Künste in Ulaanbaatar.

2001-2007 Dozent an der Fine Art Department der MSUE.
2003 Mitglied der Union der mongolischen Künstler (UMA).
2004 Leiter und Mitglied - Der Verband der jüngste Künstler in der Mongolei.
2008 Maler der UNITEL Corporation.
Seit 2009 Vorsitzender - Der Verband der jüngste Künstler in der Mongolei.
Seit 2009 Direktor der mongolischen nationalen Galerie für moderne Künste.

2004 "Blau Regen" Ausstellung. Mongolische Kunst Museum, in Ulaanbaatar.
2005 "Talyn Mongol"  Ausstellung in Paris, Frankreich.
2006 "Turleg Uulsaar" Ausstellung in "Xanadu Kunst"  Galerie, Ulaanbaatar.
2008 "Road of the Sun"  Ausstellung in Seoul, Korea.
2009 "Pferde-Komposition" Ausstellung in der Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Ulaanbaatar.

2002 "Frühling", "Herbst" Ausstellung. Union of Mongolian Artists Art (UMA) Galerie in Ulaanbaatar.
- "EXPO -2002"  Ausstellung in Yan-Jing, China.
2003 "Die Farben"  Ausstellung Botschaft der Republik Bulgarien, Ulaanbaatar.
2004 Ausstellung in Bun Bunnik, Niederlande.
- "Beste Kunstwerke"- Ausstellung. Union of Mongolian Artists Art Galerie, Ulaanbaatar.
-  "Mongolian Farbe" Ausstellung in Sofia, Bulgaria und in Budapest, Ungarn sowie in Warshaw, Poland.
2005 "Asia Center" festiva in Unesco, Paris, Frankreich.
- Ausstellungn in Berlin, Deutschland.
2006 "Mongolian cultury"  Ausstellung in Wien, Österreich.
- "EXPO-2006"-Ausstellung in Yan-Jing, China.
- Ausstellung in San-Francisco, USA.
- "Triangle" Ausstellungin Union of Mongolian Artists Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar.
2007 "Asiatische Kunst"  Ausstellung in Seoul, Korea.
- "EXPO -2002" Ausstellung in Tottory, Osaka, Japan.
2008 "Beijing bennal-2008" Ausstellung in Beking, China.
- Ausstellung in San-Francisco, USA.


Text in English
Chadraabal Adiyabazar

Good Day To You! I am very happy that you are visiting my earth of art with me. The paintings you are looking at are my job in the last three years. I will be continuing on my creation not losing any time.
A painter is one of the people who create for you, deliver to you, make you believe and surprise you one`s own inner secret and ability created by art, development of mentality and potential capacity, and the cognition of reality after people come to the world.
Yes. I am proud of being a Mongolian painter. This is the biggest gift given from the God.
A painter lives in the world of realism and idealism. That is why the painter tries to show “to be or not to be” cases by using his different colors and paintbrush. I wanted to demonstrate you, if not all, some of this real and not real mixed role to you.

My main concern is horses. My horses try to reflect the past, present and future of human life. It might be incomplete. It is open to your consideration. I do not know which of your senses such as sadness, happiness etc may arise from my paintings. However, many thanks for your arrival to come to my paintings. I am motivated with your attendance to pay your attention and to understand my inner world.

Thanks for my art friends on their trust and maintenance.
PainterSignatur Chadraabal AdiyabazarA. Chadraabal

Chadraabal Adiyabazar
1979 Zuun mod, Tuv aimag, Mongolia

1997-2001 Bachelor of Fine art at the Mongolian State Pedagogical University /MSPU/
2003 Master of Fine Art

Work experience
2001-2007 a lecturer at Fine Art Department of the MSUE.
2003 Became a member of the Union of Mongolian Artists.
2004 Head a member of Association of Youngest Artists.
2008 Painter of UNITEL corporation.
since 2009 Chairman of Association of Youngest Artist.
since 2009 Director of Mongolian national modern art gallery.

Solo Exhibitions
2004 “Blue rain” exhibition. Mongolian Fine Art Museum, Ulaanbaatar.
2005 “Talyn Mongolia” exhibition in Paris, France.
2006 “Turleg Uulsaar” exhibition in "Xanadu Art" gallery, Ulaanbaatar.
2008 “Road of the Sun” exhibition in Seoul, Korea.
2009 "Horses composition" exhibition in Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Ulaanbaatar.

Group Exhibitions
2002 “Spring”, “Autumn” exhibition. Union of Mongolian Artists Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar.
- “EXPO -2002” exhibition in Yan-Jing, China.
2003 “The colors” exhibition, Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, Ulaanbaatar.
2004 Group exhibition in Bun Bunnik, Netherlands.
- “Best of art works” exhibition. Union of Mongolian Artists Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar.
- “Blue Mongolia “.exhibition in Beijing, China.
- “Mongolian color “exhibition in Sofia, Bulgaria, in Budapest, Hungary, in Warshaw, Poland.
2005 “Asia center” festival, Unesco, Paris, France.
- Group exhibition in Berlin, Germany.
2006 “Mongolian Cultury” Group exhibition in Vena, Austry.
- “EXPO-2006” exhibition in Yan-Jing, China.
- Group exhibition in San -Francisco, USA.
- “Triangle” exhibition, Union of Mongolian Artists Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar.
2007 “Asian art” exhibition in Seoul, Korea.
- “EXPO -2002” exhibition in Tottory, Osaka, Japan.
2008 “Beijing bennal-2008” exhibition in Beijing, China.
- Group exhibition in San -Francisco, America.

Mongolian Art